
Tutorial Playlist

Agile Coaching Fundamentals - Overview of Agile Coaching Fundamental


Last updated on Sep 19, 2024

Tutorial Highlights

  • Agile is one of the most widely adopted methodologies in project management and software development today. Known for its flexibility, Agile allows teams to adapt to changing requirements and deliver value incrementally. It emphasizes collaboration, customer feedback, and small, frequent releases, making it well-suited for complex and dynamic projects.

  • Our Agile coaching program will guide you through the principles and practices of Agile, covering essential topics like Scrum, Kanban, user stories, backlog refinement, and more. Dive into the world of Agile to gain a comprehensive understanding and transform your approach to project management, enabling you to lead teams and deliver value with efficiency and agility. Start your journey now and become an expert in Agile methodologies!

Topics Covered

  • Origin and Evolution of Agile

  • Understanding Agile Environment

  • Agile Manifesto Explained 4 Agile values

  • Understanding the Agile Mindset

  • How can agile frameworks benefit your business?

  • Customer Mapping Journey

  • Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

  • Product Backlog

  • Comprehensive Overview Of Scrum

  • Scrum Theory, Principles, And Values

  • Role of Product Owner in Scrum

  • How to create an effective Product Backlog

  • Why Agile Coach - roles and responsibility

  • Skills of a Professional Agile Coach

  • The Coach as an Agile Role Model

  • The Role of an Agile Coach as a Mentor

What is the Agile Methodology?

Agile is a way of managing projects by dividing them into smaller parts and focusing on working together and making improvements along the way. Teams go through a loop of planning, doing the work, and reviewing how things went.

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Why Choose Agile?

Teams choose Agile because it allows them to quickly respond to changes in the market or feedback from customers without disrupting long-term plans. 

By planning just enough and delivering work in small, frequent updates, teams can gather feedback on each change and adjust future plans without much extra cost.

Agile is not just about numbers; it's primarily about people.

According to the Agile Manifesto, real human interactions are more valuable than strict processes. 

Working together with customers and teammates is more important than sticking to preset plans, and providing a solution to the customer's problem matters more than creating overly detailed documentation.

An Agile team shares a common vision and brings it to life in the best way they know.

Each team sets its own standards for quality, usability, and completeness, defining what "done" means for them. 

This definition influences how quickly they can deliver work.

While it may seem challenging at first, company leaders often find that when they trust an Agile team, the team feels more responsible and often exceeds expectations.

Why Agile is Important for the Organization?

Agile is important for organizations because it fosters customer-centricity, ensuring that developed products meet customer needs and expectations. 

It also leads to better quality products by encouraging continuous testing and improvement.

By delivering features incrementally, Agile increases business value, allowing companies to see returns sooner and adjust their strategies as needed. 

Agile promotes better alignment within teams and across the organization, helping everyone stay focused on common goals.

It enhances adaptability, allowing teams to respond quickly to changes in the market or project requirements. 

Finally, Agile provides better project control, with frequent check-ins and adjustments that keep projects on track and within scope.

Naveen Kumar Singh

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