Jul 31st, 2024

12 ways to Improve your Team Velocity


Agilemania, a small group of passionate Lean-Agile-DevOps consultants and trainers, is the most tru... Read more

What is Team Velocity? 

Team velocity is a core concept in Agile methodologies like Scrum and eXtreme Programming (XP). It functions as a capacity planning tool, helping teams understand how much work they can realistically complete within a specific timeframe, typically a sprint (an Agile development iteration).

The Building Blocks of Velocity:

  • User Stories: Work is broken down into manageable chunks called user stories, representing features or functionalities desired by the end user.

  • Effort Estimation: Each user story is assigned an effort value based on the team's estimation of the time or complexity it will take to complete. This estimation is done in units defined by the team itself. Common units include:

  • Time-based: Days, hours

  • Effort-based: Story points (a relative unit reflecting effort or complexity)

How Velocity is Used:

  • Sprint Planning: Teams leverage velocity during sprint planning to commit to a set of user stories they believe can be completed within the upcoming sprint timeframe. The team's past velocity serves as a reference point for this estimation.

  • Future Work Prediction: By analyzing past sprint performance and the associated velocity, teams can make informed predictions about the amount of work they can potentially complete in future sprints.

Benefits of Team Velocity:

  • Improved Planning and Commitment: Understanding team capacity through velocity allows for more realistic workload planning during sprints, preventing overcommitment and potential burnout.

  • Enhanced Transparency: Velocity fosters transparency within the development process. Stakeholders gain insight into the team's capabilities and anticipated delivery timelines.

  • Basis for Continuous Improvement: Tracking velocity over time helps identify trends and areas for improvement. Teams can use this information to refine their estimation techniques, workflow efficiency, or identify skill gaps.

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12 ways to Boost your Team Velocity 

1. Define Clear and Realistic Goals

Align your team with the goals of the sprint and the product by clearly communicating the vision, value proposition, and user needs. Collaborate to define and prioritize backlog items, breaking them down into manageable tasks. This helps your team focus on the most important work and avoid scope creep, rework, and confusion.

2. Optimize Team Size and Composition

The Scrum Guide recommends a team size of three to nine members with a mix of skills and roles to cover all aspects of product development. A team that's too large, too small, or lacks key competencies can slow progress and create bottlenecks. Ensure your team has the right balance and diversity of skills for self-organization and effective collaboration.

3. Establish a Stable and Consistent Sprint Cadence

A sprint is a fixed time-box, typically one to four weeks, where your team commits to deliver a potentially releasable product increment.  To increase velocity, establish a stable and consistent sprint cadence. This means keeping the same sprint length, start and end dates, and ceremonies throughout the project. This rhythm and predictability reduces overhead and disruption from changing the sprint schedule.

4. Remove Impediments and Distractions

Address technical issues, bugs, dependencies, unclear requirements, changing priorities, or stakeholder interference promptly. Work with your team and the Scrum Master to identify and remove these obstacles as soon as possible. Protect your team from external pressure that might compromise focus and quality.

5. Foster a Culture of Feedback and Improvement

Conduct retrospectives at the end of each sprint. Here, the team reflects on what went well, what went wrong, and what can be improved in the next sprint. Facilitate and participate in these retrospectives, encouraging your team to share feedback openly and constructively. Implement action items, monitor results, and celebrate achievements to recognize team efforts.

6. Understand the Concept of Velocity 

Before diving into improvement strategies, ensure everyone has a consistent understanding of velocity. In Agile, velocity represents the amount of work a team completes in a sprint, typically measured in story points or effort units like t-shirt sizes (XS, S, M, L, XL).

Benefits of Understanding Velocity:

  • Sets a baseline for future performance measurement.

  • Helps with more accurate sprint planning and estimation.

  • Creates a shared understanding of team capacity.

How to Ensure Shared Understanding:

  • Discuss the concept of velocity during team meetings.

  • Provide examples of how story points or effort units translate to real-world workload (e.g., 1 point = 1 day of effort).

  • Use a visible team board to track velocity over time.

7. Review Your Current Velocity 

Analyze past sprint performances to understand your team's current velocity. Here's how:

  • Review completed user stories and their point values.

  • Identify any bottlenecks or delays that impacted velocity.

  • Consider factors like team capacity, planned leave, or unexpected issues.

This review helps pinpoint areas that need improvement. For instance, consistently low velocity might indicate inefficiencies, skill gaps, or unclear requirements.

8. Focus on Continuous Improvement 

Retrospectives are crucial for continuous improvement. Hold these meetings at the end of each sprint to reflect on:

  • What went well: Celebrate successes and identify practices to maintain.

  • What didn't go well: Discuss challenges, roadblocks, and areas for improvement.

  • Action items: Define concrete actions to address identified issues and experiment with new approaches.

Regularly review and iterate on your Scrum process based on learnings from retrospectives. This fosters a culture of continuous learning and adaptation for increased velocity.

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9. Reduce Work in Progress (WIP) 

Limit the number of tasks a team member is actively working on at any given time (WIP). This helps with improved focus and reduced context switching. Team members can dedicate more focused time to each task, leading to faster completion. Reduced risk of unfinished work accumulating. WIP limits prevent tasks from getting lost or forgotten.

Here are ways to manage WIP:

  • Set WIP limits for each stage of the workflow (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done).

  • Visualize WIP limits on your team board.

  • Encourage team members to finish one task before starting another.

10. Encourage Collaboration and Communication

Promote open communication and collaboration for improved efficiency and velocity. Create a safe space for team members to share knowledge, ask questions, and raise concerns. Facilitate regular discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions. Encourage pair programming or peer reviews for code and problem-solving. Utilize communication tools like Slack or team chats for real-time collaboration. Effective communication ensures everyone is aligned with goals, dependencies are clear, and roadblocks are addressed quickly.

11. Invest in Training and Support to Enhance Team Member Capabilities:

Provide opportunities for team members to develop new skills and enhance existing ones: Conduct training sessions on Agile methodologies, Scrum practices, or relevant technical skills.

Offer mentoring or coaching programs for team members. Support participation in industry conferences or workshops. Investing in skills development empowers your team to handle complex tasks, adapt to changes, and ultimately contribute to higher velocity.

12. Leverage Automation and Tools 

Identify opportunities to automate repetitive tasks or streamline workflows using tools and technologies. Here are some examples. Automated testing tools can free up time for manual testing of more complex features. Build automation tools can speed up the process of building and deploying code.

Common Misconceptions with Team Velocity

  • 1Considering velocity as a measure of team efficiency: While velocity reflects how much work a team completes, it doesn't necessarily mean the team is efficient. High velocity can also indicate the team is cramming in low-quality work or burning out to meet unrealistic goals.
  • 2Using velocity to track individual productivity: Team velocity is a team-level metric, not a measure of individual performance. Assigning individual points based on velocity can be demotivating and doesn't account for the collaborative nature of Agile development.
  • 3 Tying velocity to performance appraisals: Using velocity solely to assess performance can have negative consequences. Team members might prioritize velocity over quality or focus on manipulating estimates to meet targets.
  • 4 Increasing velocity at all costs: The image highlights that a focus on constantly increasing velocity can be counter-productive. It can lead to burnout, shortcuts, and ultimately hinder the team's ability to deliver quality work.

Wrapping Up

Team velocity is a powerful tool for planning and improvement in Agile development. By understanding its nuances and avoiding common misconceptions, you can leverage velocity to empower your team and achieve greater delivery efficiency.

However, navigating Agile transformations and maximizing team velocity requires expertise and the right guidance.  This is where Agilemania comes in.

Our team of experienced coaches and consultants will work closely with your team to establish a clear understanding of team velocity and its purpose. Identify and remove roadblocks and foster a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration. Contact us today to learn more. 


Not necessarily. While a high velocity indicates a team's ability to deliver a lot of work, it doesn't guarantee quality. An unhealthy focus on increasing velocity can lead to shortcuts, burnout, and ultimately, hinder long-term performance.

Several strategies can enhance your team's velocity. Here are a few key ones:

  • Break down user stories effectively, estimate effort accurately, and set realistic goals for each sprint.
  • Regularly conduct retrospectives to identify bottlenecks, refine your workflow, and address skill gaps within the team.
  • Foster a culture where team members can easily share knowledge, ask questions, and help each other overcome roadblocks.

No, team velocity is a team-level metric that reflects the collective output of your team during a sprint. It doesn't measure individual performance. Assigning individual points based on velocity can be demotivating and doesn't account for the collaborative nature of Agile development.


Agilemania, a small group of passionate Lean-Agile-DevOps consultants and trainers, is the most trusted brand for digital transformations in South and South-East Asia.

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