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Agile Scaling Frameworks for Leaders


While the Scrum Master plays an indispensable role at the team level, leaders and managers need to scale the agile culture across the enterprise. Many organizations are adopting agile frameworks such as SAFe®, LeSS, Spotify, and Nexus, they are in need of leaders and manager to help them in successful adoption of these practices and scale agility for business success. Demands for organization agility is also creating confusion in choosing right frameworks for scaling. What to choose while scaling? SAFe®, LeSS, Spotify, Nexus or something else? This workshop will try to have answer by exploring all popular scaling frameworks, adoption techniques and skills to design agile organization based. Agility@Scale workshop helps in identifying right framework(s) for Product Development and/or Service Delivery. Purpose to focus on needs and wants for organization/business agility and what popular frameworks like LeSS and SAFe® offers for same. Will also explore popular organization models like Spotify and ING to understand new way of working.

Learning Objective

  • What is Scaling and why it is needed
  • Which agile frameworks is suitable for what purpose
  • What to choose for Product Development with multiple teams
  • What to choose for alignment in service delivery?
  • How to use these frameworks to design agile way of working
  • Why organization is adopting Spotify or ING model
  • What are the options available for you

Who Should Attend?

This program is for everyone involved in software development using the Scrum and Agile Framework. It is particularly beneficial for those people within an organization accountable for maximizing the value of work done by Development team, including Scrum Masters, Product Owner, Product Manager and Managers.

Course Topics

Training focuses on the fundamentals that are essential for understanding and satisfying the role of the managers in the context of product management, service delivery and software engineering. The course not only provides greater understanding of the agile@scale but also gives you ideas about how to design your own agile way of working.

  • Why to scale software delivery?
  • What are the frameworks available for scaling?
  • Why and how to change organization design?
  • Why Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®)?
  • What is SAFe® and how it works?
  • Product Development vs Service Delivery
  • What is Spotify model and what is Tribe and Chapter?
  • Why we need Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)?
  • How LeSS is different than Nexus framework?
  • LeSS Principles and rules
  • Designing new organization using LeSS
  • Need for technical practices in scaling

Teaching Techniques

Complete hands-on workshop to deal with organizational challenges and implantation issues. Participants learn by doing and training facilitator focuses on individual and interaction than theory. Participants work in small teams to learn and play all the roles to understand importance of Scrum Team.