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Agile Facilitator 2.0

Workshop based on Liberating Structures

An Agile Coach or Scrum Master is a facilitator. As a facilitator they are expected to facilitate the meetings / events I am sure you are aware of the journey of a change agent. There are many ways we can achieve this journey as there is no one approach to achieve it.

Being said that we at Agilemania trying to explore the possibility of introducing some of the key concepts which might help the Agile Coaches or Scrum Masters to improve their facilitation skills to be an better facilitator. In this aspect we are happy to launch this one day workshop with Liberating Structures.

Agile Facilitator 2.0

Why LS ?

They are a set of (roughly) 33 microstructures Designed by Keith McCandless and Henri Lipmanowicz to replace the ineffective formats in which groups (of any size) dissect information, make decisions and explore new ideas.

Rather than actively involving only a handful of those present, and drowning out other voices, Liberating Structures allow everyone to be equally involved in shaping future actions.

Rather than focusing on individuals, Liberating Structures taps into the wisdom and creativity of the entire group.

What Is This Mean To Me ?

Attending this workshop helps the Agile Coaches or Scrum Masters to acquire more knowledge in the Facilitation domains:


  • We will explore the LS (Liberating Structures) concepts which can help the Agile Coaches or Scrum Masters to be more effective in Facilitation Techniques

Cost ?
Rs. 7,499/- (Inclusive of GST)


Sl. No Session Name Session Outline
1.) Ice Breaker

a.) Welcome

b.) Set the agenda for workshop

c.) Working agreement

Session – 1

Sl. No Session Name Session Outline
2.) Liberating Structures

a.) Why & What?

Coffee / Tea Break

Sl. No Session Name Session Outline
3.) Liberating Structures

a.) Explore the microstructures

Lunch Break

Session – 2

Sl. No Session Name Session Outline
4.) Liberating Structures

a.) Explore the microstructures

Coffee / Tea Break

Sl. No Session Name Session Outline
5.) Liberating Structures

a.) Explore the microstructures


Target Audience

  • Project Leaders
  • Project Managers
  • Agile Coaches
  • Scrum Master
  • Agile Transformation Agents
  • Anyone managing the Transformation work
  • Anyone working as a change agent
  • Learners

What Is Included ?

  • 1 Day Workshop – 9 AM to 5 PM
  • 8 hours of fun learning
  • Lunch + 2 Coffee / Tea break
  • 8 Scrum Education Units (SEU)